Exclusive ISO Certificate Registration in Varanasi
The abbreviation “ISO” stands for International Organization for Standardization. ISO is a series of international standards introduced in 1987 that define and structure a company’s management systems. These standards apply equally to all industries and require companies seeking certification to define how their systems meet the standards’ rigorous requirements. Meeting the standards assures customers that all vendor company activities design, manufacturing, production, purchasing, quality control, packaging, handling, storage, shipping, and customer service are appropriately managed and controlled.

Why should I require vendors to be ISO-certified?
- ISO is direct evidence of a company's financial and ethical commitment to provide high quality, safe products.
- ISO certified companies maintain comprehensive internal audit programs that demonstrate to customers the effectiveness of their quality and environmental efforts.
- ISO certified companies utilize systems that have been accepted for use by over 80 countries as effective means to achieve product quality and environmental stewardship.
- ISO certified companies document, review, and approve product designs that meet applicable safety, regulatory, and customer requirements.
- ISO certified companies prove their systems through audits by independent registrars. Registrars are governed by strict international codes that dictate operating practices, audit methods, and staff qualifications. Failure to maintain quality program requirements will lead to de-certification by the registrar.
- ISO certified company products reduce the need for the buyers to perform audits and reviews to determine if quality systems are in place and being maintained.
- A certificate of analysis from an ISO certified company will be supported by documented procedures and records that demonstrate its validity. This is particularly important should a customer ever have a reason to question product quality.