AITS-Website Design, Trademark Consultant, Brand Registration, App Development and more in Varanasi

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Website Designing & Development Course

After successful completion of Website Designing and Development course, you will learn how to design a business on the internet or in simple words how to make a website (virtual shop). Have a look what you will learn in this short-term website designing course in Varanasi.

Real Word Projects from Industry Experts

With real world projects and immersive content built in partnership with top tier companies, you’ll master the tech skills companies want.

Technical mentor support

Our knowledgeable mentors guide your learning and are focused on answering your questions, motivating you and keeping you on track.

Career services

You’ll have access to resume support, Github portfolio review and LinkedIn profile optimization to help you advance your career and land a high-paying role.

Flexible learning program

Tailor a learning plan that fits your busy life. Learn at your own pace and reach your personal goals on the schedule that works best for you.

  • Introduction to Web Technologies
  • Careers in Web Technologies and Job Roles
  • How the Website Works ?
  • Client and Server Scripting Languages
  • Difference between a Web Designer and Web Developer
  • Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites)

  • Introduction and Overview Of Photoshop
  • Photo Retouching
  • Working with Selection
  • Resizing & cropping Images
  • Panting In Photoshop
  • Working with Layers
  • Vector Image Creation in Photoshop
  • Working Adjustment Layers
  • Working with Text
  • Creating Special Effect

  • Web Hosting Basics
  • Types of Hosting Packages
  • Registering domains
  • Defining Name Servers
  • Using Control Panel
  • Creating Emails in Cpanel
  • Using FTP Client
  • Maintaining a Website

  • What is Hypertext Markup Language
  • Basic Structure of HTML
  • Head Section and Elements of Head Section
  • Meta Tags
  • External Link Tags
  • HTML Structure Tags
  • Table Tag
  • Div Tag
  • Frames
  • Content / Media Tags
  • Header Tags
  • Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags
  • Anchor Links and Named Anchors
  • Image Tags / Image Hot Spots
  • Object Tag
  • Iframe Tags
  • Working with Forms
  • Form Tag
  • POST and GET Method
  • Text Input, Text Area, Checkbox, Image Input and Radio
  • Select Option, Option Group
  • Submit Button, Reset Button
  • Relation between HTML Form and PHP
  • Creating a Live Website Form

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • Whats new in HTML5
  • HTML5 Doctype
  • New Structure Tags
  • Section
  • Nav
  • Article
  • Aside
  • Header
  • Footer
  • New Form Tags
  • Search
  • Tel
  • Url
  • Email
  • Number and range
  • New Media Tags
  • Audio Tag
  • Video Tag
  • Designing a Layout using HTML5

  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
  • Types of Style Sheets (Inline, Inter
  • nal and External)
  • CSS for Website Layout and Print Layout
  • Types of CSS Selectors
  • Universal Selector
  • Type Selector
  • Class Selector
  • ID Selector
  • Child Selector
  • Descendant Selector
  • Adjacent Sibling Selector
  • Attribute Selector
  • CSS properties
  • Type Properties
  • Background Properties
  • Block Properties
  • Box Model Properties
  • List Properties
  • Border Properties
  • Positioning Properties
  • Properties useful in Realtime Designing
  • Using CSS for Realtime Practical Works
  • Defining the ext Styles
  • Defining the Background Styles
  • Designing a Menu System (Horizontal, Vertical and Drop Down)
  • Custom Form Designing
  • DIV + CSS Layout Design
  • CSS Optimization Tips

  • BS Grid Basic
  • BS Tables
  • BS Buttons
  • BS Progress Bars
  • BS List Groups
  • BS Dropdowns
  • BS Navbar
  • BS Forms
  • BS Carousel
  • BS Modal

  • Introduction to WordPress
  • Software Installation
  • Theme Integration
  • Adding pages and posts
  • Menu Creation
  • Manage Widgets, Plug-in
  • Header & Footer creation
  • Introduction to Visual Composer/WP Bakery Page Builder
  • Project in WordPress

Practical Training On live projects

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